RRCC Rivanna River Trip

July 28, 2013

Rivanna River, July 28 2013

Rivanna River, Crofton to Palmyra, 6.6 miles, July 28, 2013,

Yeah, 6.6 miles. I always thought it was 5.5. That explains the long "second half" of the trip and the 6 hours of float time for the whole section.

After an impromptu RRCC meeting on Friday night at Bennett's Creek Marina while listening to the classic sounds of Sam Floyd Band, a rendezvous notice was sent out Saturday to meet at Zion Crossroads (I64/SR15) at 10:00 am Sunday morning for a lazy float down the Rivanna River. Three trucks with 5 boats and 6 paddlers showed up (Kevin H, Jeff, Jim, Princess D, Gumby, & Jay). The weather on the ride up was not encouraging...overcast then rain then overcast again. But we trudged ever onward arriving at the put-in about 10 am. Assembled boats/gear and then sent some folks out to do the [1-turn] shuttle...and they managed to somehow...wait for it...wait for it...make the wrong turn. Yeah, I know, right? Did I mention it was a 1-turn shuttle? I'm sure they were just exploring for future reference. Wink, wink.

We were on the river 'bout 11 am. The put in excitement was missed by most who had already pushed off and headed down the river. Seems the Newbie (Jeff) flipped his canoe right out of the starting gate. Fortunately, Gumby was there to snicker at the sight...I mean to aid in recovery but no one with a throw rope. Oh well, um, welcome to the club Jeff. It was a long day but the weather was great. The fishing was awesome. The Rivanna has always proven to be a great fishing river but the fish on this trip were much bigger than on past trips. Smallies and largemouth alike were averaging 12-16 inches. The usual little bass, redeyes, and sunfish were abundant too. We stopped at Pettit Island for lunch - 'cause we was hungry, and to take a swim - 'cause we was hot - then floated on. There were many other folks on the river too, and on Pettit Island. It only rained once during the float for about 20-30 minutes in the late afternoon. Jeff spent the day practicing his strokes...over...and over...and over. I think he's ready for Foster Falls.

All-in-all it was a great easy float - which Newbie Jeff was very appreciative of, what with his demonstrated misunderstanding of the differences between boats and bath-tubs. But hey, isn't that they way we all learned? Or is it just me?

It rained its ass off on the ride home. White knuckle driving is what Gumby called it; glad I was riding. That combined with Sunday evening traffic between Richmond and Newport News slowed the return trip home a bit. You could see the edge of the front as we drove down the highway but it just never seemed to get closer. Finally, once we hit Hampton, the skies turned sunny and blue. It was as if the deluge of the past hour had never happened.

Water level was low but nice at 3.1. Apparently they had a dam release last night because today the level is up to 3.6.

Long day but a fun day. Can't think of better folks to spend it with although I can think of some others I wish could have made it.

Time summary: I left my house at 6:00 am, arriving at Gumby's place at 6:30. Left there just before 7, stopping for a biscuit, coffee and ice on the way out. Arrived Zion Crossroads at 9:30. Put in about 11:00 am. Took out about 5:00 pm. Left about 6:00. Back to Gumby's at 8:45 and then home to my place by 9:15. So it's about a 2.5 hour drive from Tidewater to Zion Crossroads, depending on traffic of course.

Route Summary: there are many but we took 664 - 64 - 15.

I put pictures on my Facebook page.

Thinking JRSP in August for an overnighter on one of those 'furlough' weekends. Drive up Friday or Saturday? Tent camp Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday? Float Saturday or Sunday? Come home Sunday or Monday?

In case you were wondering - it's 15.6 miles from Palmyra to Columbia.


Last modified August 13, 2013 - Back to the RRCC Main Page.