RRCC Roanoke River Trips

June 30 and October 26, 2013

Gumby, Mike, Andy, Jimmy & Jay on the Roanoke at S-curve near Roanoke Rapids & Weldon - June 30, 2013
Roanoke River, June 30 2013

June 30, 2013

Roanoke River, Roanoke Rapids to Weldon, 5.5 miles, June 30, 2013,

Roanoke Rapids fishing report for 06/30/13: Consistent catches throughout the day with a mixed creel of fish that include; Largemouth Bass (see pictures), Perch, Bluegill, Sunfish, Catfish, overall a great alternative to the Nottoway with similar travel and canoeing distance.

Our ( Jim, Jay, Gumby) first trip to Roanoke Rapids.......

Thanks to Andy and Mike for the guided trip!!!! Big Fun!!!

October 4, 2013

Jay, Gumby, Ronnie and the Prez return to the scene of the crime. First, there was some serious fishing going on:

...then we met Mike at the s-turn. As goose season was in, his boat and attire were considerably altered from last time. Finally, the water was coming up at the take-out, so the canoes varied from very wet to submerged to upside-down when we were done. As per usual, a good time was had by all.

Last modified October 26, 2013 - Back to the RRCC Main Page.