Local & Regional Bands & Musicians

(for Southeastern Virginia)

If you're is not listed, e-mail me with your URL or e-mail address and I'll get you on the list as soon as I can.
Thanks to Alpha Music if you got here via their page. Also, check out Meona and Reload, sites devoted to the local music scene here in Hampton Roads.

A - C ** D - G ** H - L * * M - N ** O - T ** U - Z

New Direction

A - C

Agents of Good Roots
Anchant Lizzards
And More
Archer's Meadow
Bad Ace
Bar Ready
Barking Spiders (Md.)
The Barrys
Bent (e-mail only)
Black Rose Blues Band
Brad Brewer
Don Bunch
Don Butcher
C. Shells
Canyon Road (e-mail only)
David Carter
Coyote Run
Critical Bill
The Crums

D - G

Mark Dobbins
The Doggs Live
Doorway Singers
Ear Candy
El Kabong
Family Tree
Fast Forward
Fighting Gravity
Tammy Gardner
Gray Chandler Gurkin

H - L

The Halfways
Tommy Lee Haley
Andy Harrell
The Haze
Bruce Hornsby
Island Boy
Itinerant Band
The Janitors
Jealous Whore
Laughing Colors
Lisa Lim Blues Band
Luna C

M - N

Manufactured Soul
Mateus Rose
Dave Matthews Band
Moaning Lisas
Mourning Becomes Electra (e-mail only)
Mudcat Jones
New Direction
Jim Newsom

O - T

One Finger Salute (e-mail only)
Picasso Jones
Jay Rakes Band
Rich & Steve
Rights of Humanity
Sam Floyd Band
Scribble Fish
Seventeen (e-mail only)
Josh Shilling
Dana Silvercloud
Sisters II (e-mail only)
Soul Patch
David Tate, Parrot Head Party Band & Rising Tide Productions
Three Men and a Box

U - Z

Wax & Steel - (Jason Loiacono and Jan Shenk) - (e-mail only)
Karl Werne
White Raven
WOIZIOW (e-mail)
Zion Wave (e-mail only)

Vile Party Music - Internet Music Distribution
Washington, D.C. Area Bands - CrosstownArts.com
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Last updated Tuesday, February 5, 2008